Enhancing interpretation quality: The significance of extra information and preparation before the interpretation sessions

Enhancing interpretation quality: The significance of extra information and preparation before the interpretation sessions

In the field of interpretation services, communication is key. From facilitating business meetings to bridging language barriers in medical, educational, employment and immigration settings, interpreters play a critical role in ensuring smooth and accurate exchanges. However, the periodic surveys from our interpreters and customers have built insight into a recurring concern among interpreters: the lack of sufficient information about the details of the subject matter before a session.

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The Youpret app enables customers to book interpretation sessions. Through the app, interpreters receive the job offer as well as extra information on the subject of the interpretation, and information about the authority of the client, for example, it will be specified if the client works in a hospital or an immigration service. We noticed that interpreters wished for sufficient information about the subject of interpretation before the session. In this blog post we went through the importance of contextual information and the reasons why sometimes the interpreters’ clients do not provide it.

Addressing this concern not only benefits interpreters but also elevates the quality of service for customers. In this blog post, we dive into the importance of providing contextual information in interpreting and then provide both the interpreter's and the customer's perspectives.

Scientists’ stance

A study on the impact of preparation before interpretation shows that “pre-interpreting preparation has a positive influence on the interpreting output”. This study divided the pre-interpreting preparation into long-term and short-term preparation. While long-term preparation includes listening practice, learning of knowledge in various fields, and accumulation of interpretation skills from a long-time perspective, short-term preparation mainly contains preparation for subject knowledge, terminology, information about speakers and listeners, psychological preparation, interpretation equipment, etc.

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Besides the importance of long-term pre-interpreting preparation, short-term pre-interpreting preparation is very significant since, in many circumstances, the interpreter is unfamiliar with the subject of interpreting. The results of a study on 36 interpreting students revealed that complete and accurate interpretation depends largely on the interpreter's grasp of the subject knowledge and context.

In that experiment, the advanced and intermediate target groups were tested once without preparation and the other time with preparation. The preparation included materials and information on the background of the interview, subject-relevant knowledge, professional terminology, and detailed information about the interviewer and the interviewee.

Interestingly, the results showed that preparation before interpreting has a significant effect on information integrity, terminology, grammatical correctness, logical coherence, and fluency. Preparation is also one of the principles in the ethics of interpretingy which recalls, “the interpreter shall prepare his duties carefully and in good time”.

Interpreter’s perspective

In our 2023 survey of Youpret interpreters, a prominent issue highlighted by interpreters was the challenge of navigating interpretation sessions without prior knowledge of the subject matter. Many expressed the need for more detailed information to prepare mentally and linguistically. Extra information about the subject not only streamlines workflows but also increases clarity, enabling interpreters to tailor their approach accordingly.

The results of the survey in question illustrated that many interpreters appreciate the clarity on the authority of the client emphasizing that it gives them perspective on what to expect when there is no extra information about the subject matter available. Access to contextual information allows interpreters to grasp nuances and intricacies and ultimately enhances the accuracy and effectiveness of their interpretations.

Providing extra information not only helps interpreters prepare for specific terms and vocabulary but also helps them to prepare their mentality in case of interpretations of challenging and sensitive topics. Sensitive topics, which will be discussed in a separate blog post, include, for example, topics related to war, mental or physical well-being and health, and family or children. Such situations can be exhausting and emotionally challenging. As a result, providing extra information is also important for the interpreters from this aspect.

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Customer's perspective

Recognizing the important role of providing extra information, we sought our customer’s perspectives on this topic as well. In a satisfaction survey, we specifically addressed the correlation between providing more information and the quality of interpretations. Encouragingly, a majority of respondents agreed with the statement, acknowledging the positive impact of comprehensive information on interpretation quality.

On the other hand, the number of neutral responses raised reveals that a percentage of customers do not have experience or are indifferent about providing extra information about the subject of interpretations. Sometimes the end customer does not provide much information to the person who is actually booking the appointment. Therefore the person booking the interpretation does not always know about the topic of the interpretation. We believe that the neutrality of some respondents signifies a need for improvement in communication channels. To gain deeper insights, a follow-up question was posed, focusing on the reasons behind leaving the extra information box empty when ordering an interpreter.

Responses were diverse, encompassing various motivations. While some customers conscientiously provided detailed information to aid interpreters, others cited reasons such as not noticing a difference in interpretation quality or being unaware of the option to provide extra information in the app.

Notably, some of the important reasons that constrained customers to fill the extra information box included issues like time pressure and security/privacy concerns, particularly in sensitive topics like child protection, which hindered information sharing. Additionally, some customers expressed uncertainty regarding the type of information to provide, which depicts the need for clarity and guidance.

The path forward

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Enhancing interpretation quality necessitates a collaborative effort between customers and interpreters. In the meantime, we try to deliver our interpreters’ and customers’ concerns to each other as clearly as possible. While interpreters do their best to deliver faultless service, customers play a pivotal role in facilitating this process by providing comprehensive information.

Clear communication, coupled with guidance on the type of information required, can bridge existing gaps and optimize interpretation experiences. By addressing the concerns raised by interpreters and customers alike, we aim to elevate the standards of interpretation services, ensuring high-quality communication across linguistic barriers.

We hope that this blog post helps both the interpreters and the customers who order interpreting services get a more comprehensive outlook on the importance of contextual information and preparation in interpreting. We hope that this insight motivates the authorities and our other customers to provide more information when booking an appointment, because this data would enable a smoother interpreting experience for them.

On the other hand, we hope that interpreters have found that it is not always possible to have extra information as there can be obstacles due to security reasons or lack of authorities’ knowledge on the subject matter. However, there are always steps to take for a better interpretation. While you should keep in mind that “you can never prepare too much”, you can focus on the steps below:

  1. Practice and prepare before interpretations, prepare for any terminology or material that you might need.

  2. Pay attention to details of the available information such as the authority of the client. So if the client is working in a hospital or immigration service, there are chances to encounter certain topics and situations that you can prepare for.

  3. And last but not least, enroll in the Youpret Academy courses which provide a great overview of the basics and complexities of interpreting.

Moreover, the customers can try to provide information as much as they can and are allowed to. It is common for authorities who work with interpreters to be trained about how to work with interpreters. Consider that your information could have a positive impact on the interpretation session that you are going to experience.

In conclusion, the importance of giving enough information from both interpreter and customer perspectives cannot be overstated. It not only empowers interpreters to deliver accurate interpretations but also enriches the overall interpretation experience for customers. As we navigate the evolving landscape of interpretation services, let us embrace the power of information exchange to elevate us toward excellence.

Author: Aida Jodeiri

Sustainability Coordinator Aida has a master's degree in Environmental Policy and Law from the University of Eastern Finland and her first master's degree is in human rights law. At Youpret, she has focused on topics related to sustainability at Youpret and sustainability reporting as well as interpreters and customer satisfaction surveys. In her free time, Aida likes to dance and play badminton.

Read more:

An Empirical Study on the Impact of Pre-interpreting Preparation on Business Interpreting under Gile's Efforts Model: https://www.academypublication.com/issues2/tpls/vol10/12/19.pdf

The Role of Background Knowledge in Building the Translating/Interpreting Competence of the Linguist: https://sciresol.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/IJST/Articles/2016/Issue-16/Article60.pdf

The importance of prep before interpreting the BSL assignment!: https://limpingchicken.com/2022/03/08/kat-pearson-the-importance-of-prep-before-interpreting-bsl-assignments/

Ethical Guide for interpreters: https://www.youpret.com/en/ethical-guide-for-interpreters/

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Youpret facilitates over 1,200 interpretation sessions daily in more than 120 languages for municipalities, cities, wellbeing services counties, employment and immigration services, as well as businesses. Make a sustainable choice – order an interpreter from Youpret