Deep Dive to the Interpreter’s Satisfaction Survey

Deep Dive to the Interpreter’s Satisfaction Survey


In July and August of 2023, we conducted a survey for our interpreters to strengthen our relationship with them. The survey was aimed at gathering information about the interpreters’ satisfaction and well-being. We received more than 200 responses from our interpreters. While We have already posted a short summary of the survey results, in this post, we are going to reveal some of the most important results and the reasons behind them.

Interpreters Recommend Youpret

Accordingly, a high percentage of respondents recommend Youpret to others and Youpret gained a 72 NPS score which is considered an exceptionally high score that falls into the “Excellent” range. Following the NPS question, we inquired about the factors that influence recommending Youpret to others.

Based on the results, the most popular factors for recommending Youpret to others were high-quality customer service, customer fees, and payment transparency, Youpret’s manner towards interpreters, and the app's user-friendliness as the reasons for recommending Youpret to others.

NPS stands for Net Promoter Score. Summarized, the term answers the question: How likely would you recommend the company's service or products? The NPS result is measured between the minimum value -100 and the maximum value +100.

Youpret Has “Top Services”

Interestingly, on average, 93% of the interpreters are satisfied with appointment and instant interpretation services. This high number conveys that conducting interpretations via the Youpret application is easy and effortless. Moreover, compared to our previous satisfaction survey we experienced an increase in the satisfaction of our interpreters.

We received many positive comments in the free text section about our interpreting services. The respondents consistently expressed their satisfaction with Youpret’s interpretation services, noting their positive experiences and high-quality interactions with the platform. Their comments underscores the dedication of the Youpret team to delivering a smooth and reliable service:

“Top services”

“Works great!”,

“I am very happy with Youpret's services!”

Youpret Application Is Easy to Use!

Impressively 85% of the respondents are satisfied with mobile application functionalities. This amount includes satisfaction with time to receive job offers, application functionality, app usability and features, interpretation summaries, and interpretation details. This number gave us a comprehensive insight into users’ experiences and the various aspects of our application’s performance. However, we noticed that not all of our interpreters are using our new application which is faster and easier to use. The respondents also expressed their contentment in the free text section:

"It's really effective and easy"

"The app works well and minor technical problems are fixed quickly."

Youpret’s Customer Service Is Fast and Effective

Customer service at Youpret is one of the strengths of the company. On average, 86% of the respondents are satisfied with the following areas: the management of interpreter affairs, the technical support and advice, the accessibility of customer service and response time to phone calls and emails, and receiving helpful assistance. Our customer service is there every day to support our interpreters and our customers. The results of the survey shows that our customer service has been successful in providing excellent support to our interpreters:

“I am truly satisfied with the interactions made with the interpreters, encompassing fairness, rewards, understanding, and humanity”

“The service is exceptional, absolutely brilliant! Thank you”.

Interpreters Feel Valued at Youpret

We are also happy to announce that 89% of the respondents feel that their specialized abilities are being put to effective use and acknowledged within the organization. This is because our interpreters have the opportunity to apply their skills in different interpretation subjects, and we want to continue to offer them a working environment where their strengths shine through. Furthermore, the other reasons behind their satisfaction lie on the quick customer service support, payments even in case of cancellation by customers, and monthly meetings with interpreters.

Interpreters Are Satisfied With Their Human Rights at Youpret

While Youpret is acting in line with the Finnish laws and is treating its interpreters equally and based on human rights principles, we decided to ask about our interpreters’ feelings about being treated equally at Youpret. Impressively, 94% of the respondents are satisfied with being treated equally and in line with human rights and dignity.

Approximately, 4% of the respondents were neutral about the human rights question and only around 0.5% of respondents were not satisfied with the treatment they received. Therefore, there is still room for improvement, but this is a good level to start working our way towards 100% satisfaction of our interpreters with their human rights.

Interpreters Feel Included in the Finnish Society

In the survey, we wanted to find out how we have been able to influence the sense of belonging of our interpreters into Finnish society. Interestingly, 84% of the respondents feel valued in Finnish society by working at Youpret. It was very nice to hear from our interpreters that we are able to help them feel valued as part of our society. The fact that a high number of respondents’ sense of belonging in Finnish society is tied up to their job at Youpret suggests that Youpret has been taking good care of its interpreters and paved the path for feeling included in the society for its different backgrounded interpreters. The respondents comments suggest that working as an interpreter who is helping others, especially immigrants, to solve their problems impacts interpreters’ experience especially those with divergent backgrounds to feel more included and valued in the Finnish society:

“My experience is that I can be an influential and active member of society when I can implement people's linguistic rights”

“I feel professional pride in being able to promote human contacts in Finland in a multilingual way and to make life easier for others.”

“My heart bursts with happiness when I am able to be useful to Finnish society after a long period of unemployment”


In this blog post, we discovered that the interpreters are quite happy with Youpret's services. The reasons behind their satisfaction lie in different factors including, but not limited to, the divergent interpreting services, functionality of the app, high-quality customer service, being valued for their skills and expertise, feeling included in the Finnish society through working with Youpret, and the feeling of being equally treated by Youpret. We are pleased to share these positive findings with our readers and extend our gratitude to our dedicated and high-quality interpreters. Improving the working conditions of our interpreters is a primary goal for us.

We would like to thank our interpreters for their valuable contribution in helping people every day who would otherwise not be able to communicate in their native language.

It is interesting to know that the survey results were also valuable because they enriched us on issues about time management, the challenges of interpreting difficult or draining subjects, and suggestions for improvements. Want to know more about our survey? Or are you interested in becoming an interpreter? Contact Maya and let's talk more!

Maya Rytkönen, Chief Operating Officer, Youpret Oy

+358 400 149 295

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