Youpret Academy: learning app for interpreters!

Youpret Academy: learning app for interpreters!

Youpret Academy is our digital learning platform for interpreters! We are always looking for different ways to support our extensive network of interpreters. Youpret Academy is an easy way for our interpreters to educate themselves further by learning about the interpreting industry and about Youpret’s services and policies. Youpret Academy has been designed by professionals in the fields of education, interpreting and information technology. The free mobile app helps both new and experienced interpreters to get to know Youpret's policies and the interpreting sector as a whole.

Study at your own pace

Interpreters can plan their learning path according to their schedule. You can use Youpret Academy at your own pace, balancing work assignments and education! After every course on the app, you can give feedback on how you felt the course went and if you have any comments about the contents of the course. You will also receive helpful feedback on your progress and completed courses.

The first module of the Academy will focus on Youpret's practices and policies, and the following courses will be related to the interpreting sector. The contents of the courses are based on common topics that our interpreters interpret, such as health and immigration. We have also paid particular attention to the well-being of interpreters when creating the courses. For example, in the first module, the course on 'Managing your own work' covers how our customer service can help you and how to deal with crisis situations. In the future, we will create more content to maintain the well-being of interpreters.

Easy-to-follow learning path

Youpret Academy has lesson milestones to keep track of your learning progress. The easy-to-follow learning path allows you to take longer breaks between courses! Youpret Academy is a great way for our interpreters to supplement their interpreting expertise. The app tracks your progress so it is easy to pick up where you left off!

Youpret Academy's course offerings are updated regularly, allowing you to complete courses at a leisurely pace, according to your own schedule.

How to get started with Youpret Academy?

  1. Download the Youpret Academy app from the App Store or the Google Play Store.
  2. Log in using your Youpret ID
  3. Start learning!

Want to talk more about Youpret Academy? Or have you forgotten your password? No worries, just contact Olga!

Olga Muukkonen,

Order a Youpret interpreter

Youpret facilitates over 1,200 interpretation sessions daily in more than 120 languages for municipalities, cities, wellbeing services counties, employment and immigration services, as well as businesses. Make a sustainable choice – order an interpreter from Youpret